At Alon Dental Care, we inspect every aspect of your oral health in a thorough fashion. When we examine your teeth to ensure they are in healthy condition, we also look at the surrounding oral tissues for any particular causes for concern, mainly the first signs of oral cancer.
To put this into perspective, according to the American Cancer Society around 53,000 Americans are likely to develop oral cavity or oropharyngeal cancers in 2019.
That’s why our San Antonio Family Dentist, Dr. Kevin Sandefer, eases the minds of San Antonians by offering oral cancer screenings to make sure that the state of your oral health is in good shape.
The Causes of Oral Cancer
Cancer happens when uncontrollable cell growth causes damage to surrounding tissues and organs. In the oral cavity, cancer often affects the:
- Hard and Soft Palate
- Throat (Pharynx)
- Mouth Floor
- Tongue
- Sinuses
- Cheeks
- Tonsils
- Gums
- Lips
A number of different instances can be linked to this uncontrollable cell growth, such as:
- Consumption of tobacco products.
- Exposure to certain chemicals
- Family medical history
- Genetics
In order to improve your odds at overcoming any of these cancers, early detection is crucial.
Detecting Oral Cancer
There are several methods for detecting early signs of oral cancer. Fluorescent visualization, brush biopsies and the like are useful, but there is no substitute for careful intraoral screening and recognition of anomalies of the soft and hard tissue.
Dr. Sandefer has a network of oral surgeons and pathologist who aid in the proper diagnosis and treatment of oral cancer.
Visit Our San Antonio Dentist For Your Oral Cancer Screening
At Alon Dental Care, our patient’s oral health is our priority. With our thorough oral cancer screenings, we want to make sure that your mouth is cancer-free.
Contact our San Antonio Family Dentist at (210) 979-0707 to schedule your oral cancer screening today!